We are delighted to announce the launch of our new dysphagia service.

The experienced team at Healing Touch will now provide comprehensive support to individuals with swallowing difficulties. This adds to our growing service offering, which aims to continuously improve personalised care and quality of life for our clients.

What is Dysphagia?

Dysphagia is when an individual has difficulty with eating, drinking and swallowing. Dysphagia is related to underlying health conditions and usually neurological health-related issues that affect a person’s ability to eat, drink and swallow.

Speech and Language and Dysphagia service

Diagnosis and evaluation of dysphagia involves the expertise of a Speech and Language Therapist. At Healing Touch, we have a dedicated Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) team specialising in dysphagia assessments. Our SLT team will recommend and deliver rehabilitation and personalised therapy, comprehensive clinical swallowing evaluation; including cranial nerve examination, oral examination, cervical auscultation and assessment of swallow function with oral fluids and diet. Part of the assessment includes dentification and characterisation of any risks associated with eating, drinking and/or swallowing difficulties including airway penetration, aspiration and asphyxiation.

You can learn more about our team here and our new dysphagia service here.

Kay Ganguly, Clinical Director said:

“We are thrilled to launch our new dysphagia service, adding to our comprehensive neurological rehabilitation services. Our speech and language therapy team will provide the necessary support individuals need with swallowing difficulties.”

For more information about our new dysphagia service, please contact us and we will be happy to help with your specific requirements.