Brain Rehabilitation Physiotherapy - Brain Injury Therapy Services

At our specialised neurological rehabilitation practice, we provide dedicated brain rehabilitation therapy for clients recovering from traumatic brain injuries and other neurological conditions. Neurophysiotherapy is a therapeutic approach directed at improving the body’s functional ability and enhancing the potential for healing. With a team of caring specialists, we offer the best in neurological rehabilitation treatment, understanding the intricacies of each client’s unique journey. Our goal is to help individuals manage and recover from neurological injuries by utilising a range of therapeutic techniques and approaches. We aim to help our clients achieve their fullest potential and regain their optimal performance, flexibility, endurance, and functionality.

Comprehensive Brain Injury Rehabilitation

Healing Touch Rehab offers this service in Leeds, York, Manchester, and the surrounding areas. The service offers assessment and long term rehabilitation to adult and paediatric clients with acquired brain injury, birth injuries, traumatic brain injury and other complex neurological conditions. We believe every client irrespective of their age or injury has an ability to change, improve and achieve by neuroplasticity.

Our team of specialists is dedicated to offering the best rehabilitation and treatment options for clients recovering from traumatic brain injuries. We focus on planning future recovery goals and delivering tailored physiotherapy programmes that are directed towards improving functional abilities and managing the potential long-term effects of these injuries. 

Our expertise in neurophysiotherapy allows us to offer cutting-edge techniques aimed at optimising neurological recovery. We understand the challenges involved in recovering from a brain injury, which is why we are committed to providing therapeutic approaches that not only help rebuild confidence but also educate our clients on how they can achieve their fullest potential. 

At our centre, we aim to optimise performance by focusing on flexibility, endurance, and joint mobility. Our goal is not just about physical healing; it’s about empowering individuals to regain control over their lives following a traumatic brain injury. With our comprehensive understanding of neurological conditions, we can provide the best possible care for those seeking rehabilitation after an acquired or spinal cord injury. By joining forces with occupational therapists and other key professionals, we ensure that every aspect of your recovery journey is carefully planned out. Whether you’re receiving treatment at home or at our facility, rest assured that you will have access to state-of-the-art equipment designed specifically for neurorehabilitation. In summary, our approach involves delivering personalised care focused on rebuilding confidence and achieving optimal recovery outcomes for those affected by traumatic brain injuries.

We are instructed by a legal team and case managers for detailed comprehensive assessment, recommendations, planning future brain injury recovery, rehabilitation, goals and treatment. We work closely with our client’s, carer’s team, family, school, college and their case manager to a step by step goal centred brain injury rehabilitation plan. We are involved in the assessment of safe manual handling procedures, risk assessment and training of staff working with our client. From child brain injuries to injuries in adults, our brain injury rehabilitation services in Leeds, York and Manchester  are designed with your safety and success in mind.

Our Rehabilitation Approach Focuses

  • Initial assessment report with recommendations and prescription.
  • Ongoing targeted goal centred brain injury treatment to maximise our client’s potential.
  • Management of tone, spasticity, atypical movement patterns and developing postural awareness.
  • Assessment and treatment plan using hydrotherapy if appropriate for client.
  • Assessment and treatment using rebound (trampoline) therapy if appropriate for client.
  • Equipment review and ongoing training
  • Assist with community based rehabilitation that takes place at leisure/ sports centres/ gym and hydrotherapy pool to help our client develop confidence to socialise, integrate and engage within the community based set up.
  • Assist in vocational activities, community based leisure and sports activities.


Tyler's Journey

We met Tyler when he was only 9 years old. Tyler has a history of severe traumatic brain injury and is a wheelchair user. Tyler lost his ability to sit, stand and function, he also suffered cortical visual impairment as a result. Tyler also developed scoliosis at the age of 13 years, which has been managed with an intensive postural care regime and activity-specific therapeutic approach.

Tyler has made significant progress and is now working towards independent transfers with a transfer aid with the aim of minimising the frequency and need for hoisting. Besides having therapeutic benefit, independent transfers has enabled develop his strength and stability; as well as promoted upper limb function.

Tyler’s journey is truly fulfilling and inspirational and it is a pleasure to have witnessed his progress for the past many years. His determination to learn and gain the ability to sit, assisted stand and all other personal attributes make him who he is today.

Nathan's Journey

Nathan had a severe traumatic brain injury when he was only 6. He lost his functional abilities, motor and cognitive function.

We set 3 goals for him to achieve: Pain relief, quickest functional recovery and confidence build up.

The secret to any successful rehab is being present in the journey. Having those positive affirmations about your own self and your values are critical in visualising yourself self being powerful. This is a core value of our treatment plan and the journey that we take our clients through.

The holistic approach is not just for physical recovery. We aim to empower clients with emotional support/ empowerment, self-belief and a shift in mindset. Acceptance of their own self, argue their own limitations and see the reality from a different perspective.

Nathan’s journey has been transformative, today Nathan can ride a bike, he has been selected for Team A rugby squad and swimming squad. He goes for long bike rides and runs. He enjoys adventure sports like water rafting and rock climbing, all the necessary things he needs to do to have a fulfilling life.

Isaac's Journey

Isaac is a charming and inspirational young man with cerebral palsy. A multidisciplinary therapeutic intervention has been an integral part of his journey.

In 2019 Isaac underwent SDR surgery, spinal dorsal rhizotomy. This is an operation that reduces spasticity in children with CP.

Isaac received intensive physiotherapy from statutory services alongside targeted independent provision to maximise the outcome of the surgery. We were then able to follow his orthopaedic post-operative guidance and work alongside the NHS team to enable him to reach his target rehabilitation goals. We ensured working to his target potential whilst offering different adjutants, including hydrotherapy as well as land therapy and intervention within the educational set and at his home.

Isaac has made phenomenal progress with ongoing rehab. His determination and engagement with therapy have largely contributed to the progress he has made so far. With specific and targeted rehab, he has made meaningful physical and functional gains as well as improvement in his overall motor function.

Book a treatment home, school or community visit

To make clients feel as comfortable as possible, we offer home visits or arrange treatment at one of our community clinics at William Merritt Centre, Leeds, or a similar centre or location of your choice in your local community across the North West and Yorkshire, or we could arrange to see you at a suitable space within your community.

We appreciate our clients may have mobility restrictions and will always consider how to make consultations and treatments as convenient, time optimised and pain-free as possible. Community-based rehabilitation and integration back into the community is the key to any successful rehabilitation. Besides the benefit of a familiar environment and the discipline of following treatment plans within their own setting , community-based treatment enables the client to stay motivated while involving their family and friends.