Effective Swallowing Treatment for Dysphagia

Therapy is a vital treatment for patients experiencing swallowing difficulties or eating and drinking problems. At Healing Touch, we provide comprehensive assessments and personalised treatments to address conditions that impact your ability to enjoy food and maintain proper nutrition. A speech therapist will work closely with you to develop tailored exercises and management strategies that help improve swallowing and overall health. This therapy involves identifying the root causes of dysphagia and creating a plan to support effective recovery. Whether you have mild issues or significant difficulties, our treatments are designed to help you regain confidence and enhance your quality of life.


Dysphagia refers to a condition that causes difficulties with eating, drinking, and swallowing in individuals. Patients with dysphagia often have underlying health issues for which they are undergoing treatment. This therapy may include swallowing exercises or treatments designed to improve nutrition and overall health, as eating and drinking difficulties are addressed.

Understanding Eating, Drinking and Swallowing Difficulties

These challenges can manifest in various ways, including coughing or choking during meals, a sensation of food being lodged in the throat, or discomfort while swallowing. Identifying the root cause is essential for determining the most effective management strategies.

Clinical dysphagia can be associated with the following:

  • Acute neurological diagnoses
  • Progressive neurological diagnoses
  • Functional neurological disorder
  • Respiratory diagnoses
  • Post-acute dysphagia e.g. following traumatic intubation or post ICU sarcopenia
Dysphagia Assessment
Dysphagia Assessment

Evaluation and Diagnosis

A Speech-Language Therapist (SLT) is an essential member of the team dedicated to evaluating and diagnosing complex eating, drinking, and swallowing difficulties. Their expertise in speech-language therapy is invaluable in addressing such issues.

We offer:

  • A thorough clinical swallowing assessment, which  encompasses a cranial nerve examination, oral examination, cervical auscultation, and an in-depth assessment of swallowing function with oral fluids and diet. This assessment can identify dysphagia and may include quantitative measures to provide a comprehensive understanding of the patient’s eating and drinking difficulties. Such evaluations are essential for determining effective treatments and exercises tailored to patients with swallowing problems.
  • Assessment of any compounding factors that can impact swallowing function. This involves examining oral hygiene needs, positional requirements during eating and drinking, the level of assistance needed, behavioural and environmental factors, and the presence of laryngopharyngeal reflux. These elements are vital for creating a treatment plan that addresses the specific needs of patients with dysphagia, ensuring their health and nutrition are optimally managed.
  • Where necessary, a referral for instrumental swallowing assessment, such as videofluoroscopy, may be recommended and facilitated. This advanced evaluation helps refine the diagnosis and guides therapy with targeted treatments.
  • Diagnosis and characterisation of eating, drinking, and/or swallowing difficulties, including prognosis for recovery or maintenance. This process also identifies and characterises any risks associated with swallowing problems, such as airway penetration, aspiration, or asphyxiation, which are critical considerations in treatment planning.
  • Identifying and characterising any risks associated with dysphagia, or swallowing difficulties, including airway penetration/aspiration/asphyxiation, which is a critical component of the assessment process. This involves evaluating potential dangers related to eating, drinking, and swallowing for patients undergoing therapy.
  • Finally, the identification and characterisation of factors that may indicate increased risks to medical, respiratory, nutritional, or quality of life outcomes.

Rehabilitation and Management

After a thorough assessment by our consultant speech and language therapist, treatment for patients with swallowing difficulties or dysphagia may involve therapy sessions and specific exercises. This may include strategies for eating and drinking, treatments to support health and nutrition, and guidance that can improve the patients’ overall eating and drinking experience.

We can offer:

  • Identification of the therapeutic rehabilitation or maintenance needs of patients, including collaborative goal-setting between the therapist and patient, continuous monitoring of progress, and regular review of treatment goals to ensure optimal outcomes
  • Creation and implementation of personalised therapy programmes, which may involve a comprehensive approach that encompasses traditional swallowing exercises or expiratory muscle strength training.
  • Tailored recommendations with any modifications to diet or fluids provided in accordance with the IDDSI Framework (International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative). The IDDSI Framework offers evidence-based guidelines for therapists to follow when developing treatment plans for patients with dysphagia. By incorporating these recommendations into practice, we can help patients reduce their risk of aspiration and related complications.
  • Education and training for families, carers, and settings. This involves providing valuable information on swallowing awareness, the IDDSI Framework, and practical dysphagia management skills. It is essential that everyone involved in the care of individuals with dysphagia receives comprehensive education to enhance patient outcomes and overall quality of life.

Dysphagia Management

Speech and Language Therapy plays a vital role in managing dysphagia. In a series of videos, Consultant Speech and Language Therapist Rebecca Boddington discusses dysphagia rehabilitation, including positive risk-taking and tube feeding.

Tube Feeding and Dysphagia Rehabilitation
Positive Risk Taking

Ethical Considerations

Eating, drinking and swallowing decisions can be ethically complex. If a mental capacity assessment is necessary, our team of therapists can provide the support needed by:

  • Exploring various routes for nutrition intake. This includes considering both oral and non-oral methods, as well as utilising supported communication strategies for individuals with cognitive or communication needs.
  • Assessing mental capacity for making decisions about eating, drinking, and nutrition. This involves evaluating patients’ ability to swallow safely and effectively, as well as their cognitive and communication skills related to these functions. The assessment process may include reviewing the patient’s medical history, conducting clinical evaluations of swallowing function, and analysing any symptoms or conditions that may impact their ability to eat and drink safely.
  • Advocacy for patient goals, values, and wishes in relation to eating, drinking, and swallowing, which involves a multidisciplinary team of therapists conducting a swallowing assessment to identify any difficulties or problems. Working closely with the multidisciplinary team ensures these objectives are met in the context of the patient’s swallowing needs.

For more details about this service, contact us and we will be happy to help with your specific requirements.