Our Guidance for COVID-19

We wish to make you aware that we are providing the following information as a part of our policy and risk assessment to safeguard all clients we care for, their families, other professionals involved, support staff and our own team of professionals. We will continue to provide support in this manner and to take further steps as deemed necessary as the situation changes. We are doing our best to send out the latest guidelines and advice as it is issued.

In addition to our own policy, we feel it is important to issue additional information in response to the outbreak of Nova Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the subsequent Coronavirus Action Plan issued by the government.

Currently we are advising that clients and parents/relatives of clients make the ultimate decisions regarding contact on how to manage these events. As well as ourselves as professionals each in regard to our own circumstances.

We have advised that everyone needs to follow the normal prevention of infection as advised by the government.

How are we supporting our clients during the Covid-19 pandemic?

  • Whilst the outbreak is active, we will contact the client or their parent/family by phone or messages prior to any visit and discuss whether both sides are happy for the visit to continue as planned.
  • We are limiting therapy carried out within the community setting and clients’ home unless there is an absolute necessity and if it is deemed appropriate following a risk assessment.
  • A thorough risk assessment will be carried out by our clinician to evaluate risks to the patients, themselves and anyone else involved in the clinical setting or clients’ household. We will use a screening questionnaire to establish suitability and need for any face to face contacts.
  • In order to offer the essential rehabilitation support to our clients, help them learn new skills and limit de-conditioning of their health and well-being, we are offering support with remote tele-health consultation. This includes video consultation (e.g. Skype, FaceTime, WhatsApp, other commercial products that are GDPR compliant), telephone consultation, email and mobile messaging.
  • We as a team are following guidance regarding symptoms and self-isolation as issued by the government. As a part of the risk assessment and screening criteria, we will not have any client or family contact if any of us meet the criteria for self-isolation, or have been in contact with someone who meets these criteria.

For full guidance refer to

Infection Prevention and Control Measures

We are risk managing all treatment and clinical environment to safeguard clients with use of  appropriate PPE, sanitisation using  social distancing and other reasonable safety measures.

Following the risk assessment questionnaire, your therapist will make an informed decision based on your/ your child’s and their own health needs. A face to face visit will be offered if the benefit of a face to face consultation outweighs the risk of infection. Your therapist will have a discussion with you and will be able to clinically reason out the situation.

If a face to face consultation is deemed appropriate, we will then assess suitability of PPE that will be used. Wherever possible we will try and see you at a distance of 2 meters preferably outdoor in the garden, garage etc.

  1. When providing therapy that requires us to be in direct contact with the clients (e.g. touching) OR less than 2 metres of anyone in the household who is coughing. These recommendations apply:
    -We will use fluid resistant face mask, hand gloves, apron and a face shield
  1. For any consultation where we are assessing you at a distance of 2 meters, these recommendations will apply:
    -We will use fluid resistant face mask, hand gloves, apron
  1. We will also encourage you, your care team or family involved in any face to face consultations to use face coverings where possible.
  2. We will wash our work clothing with warm water and detergent after each visit
  3. We will disinfect and sanitise any equipment, bags or other item carried to the session or used during the therapy session to include laptops/ tablets and phones with disinfectant wipes after each visit
  4. We will ensure we wash hands as often before and after visit and use disinfectant hand gel where washing facility is not available
  5. PPE is only effective when combined with: hand hygiene (cleaning hands regularly and appropriately); respiratory hygiene

https://coronavirusresources.phe.gov.uk/hand-hygiene and avoiding touching your face with your hands, and following standard infection prevention and control precautions  https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus 

Disposal of PPE

We will follow our risk assessment based on client contact. The following guidance will apply where we will see clients and only on a one to one basis following triage and where all social distancing measures are adhered to.